Referring Vets

We use our extensive knowledge of surgical procedures to support primary care veterinarians, pets, and their owners.

Referrals & Partnerships

Our surgical knowledge and treatment of your patient are only part of a holistic strategy for healing. We recognize that combining your comprehensive knowledge of the individual patient’s needs with our specialized subset of knowledge regarding surgical diseases leads to the best execution of veterinary healthcare. We will do our best to communicate to your clients that we are merely an extension of you, never a replacement.

We want to make the referral process as efficient as it can be. You may download and complete our referral form to email along with patient records to [email protected]. You are also welcome to call and discuss the case with us.

On-Call Surgery Service

Dr. Jodie Lamb and Dr. Brent Newcomb (Scissortail Veterinary Specialists) have developed a collaborative partnership with Dr. JT Walker (employed by BluePearl) to continue providing after-hours emergency surgical care for your patients. Finding specialists who provide after-hours care seems to be increasingly difficult. We hope that this partnership will allow us to continue meeting a real need in the state without creating the professional burnout that oftentimes accompanies being on-call. At this time, Scissortail Veterinary Specialists does not have 24-hour patient care available. Due to the nature of most emergency patients’ perioperative needs, they will need to be initially triaged by the emergency doctors at BluePearl, who will then contact the appropriate on-call surgeon. The aftercare of the patient will continue at BluePearl. Dr. Newcomb and Dr. Lamb are not employed by BluePearl. Rather, they are providing a service as a contract vendor.

Reach Out

Please reach out if you want to learn more about Scissortail Veterinary Specialists.